
All 40 flights were fully booked

09 Mar 2023
10:30 a.m.

7,500 passengers over Whitsun at Saarbrücken Airport

The Whitsun week at Saarbrücken Airport did not run into any handling problems or flight cancellations - despite various problems experienced throughout Europe. During this year's Whitsun vacations, all 40 flights to vacation destinations were fully booked; around 7,500 passengers took off from SCN. These figures are comparable to the period before the pandemic.

Airport CEO Thomas Schuck therefore takes positive stock of the first major wave of travel: "As we have been able to retain our well-trained staff in previous years and have taken on additional employees and temporary staff in view of new connections, we were able to cope well with the rush over Whitsun and see Saarbrücken Airport as well equipped for the coming summer months."

During the Whitsun week, ten flights to Antalya, five flights to Heraklion, 20 flights to Mallorca, two flights each to Fuerteventura and Las Palmas, and one flight to Hurghada were handled. The first-time use of floor walkers in the terminal had a particularly positive effect, enabling passengers' queries to be answered at an early stage and the flow of visitors to be directed more effectively.

Schuck is also optimistic about the coming months. "Not only Whitsun went extremely well. Compared to the first five months, we have a slight increase of around 43,000 passengers to tourist destinations compared to the quite good year 2019. Although individual routes have not yet been flown at all, demand remains strong."

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