
Parking garage (P2)
Short-term parking
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.
Capacity: 300 pitches
All parking spaces are a maximum of 3 minutes walk from the terminal. It is not possible to reserve a parking space in advance. There are a sufficient number of parking spaces available at Saarbrücken Airport. The free spaces for all parking lots and the parking garage are displayed on an electronic board at the airport entrance.
Parking fees
The parking fee after the first day is calculated on a 24-hour basis, i.e. after 24 hours from the time of entry, an additional day will be charged. Parking fees valid from January 01, 2024. Prices include statutory VAT.

Prices for annual parking permits on request.

Calculate parking fees
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.
Capacity: 920 parking spaces
Maximum entrance height: 2.10 m
The parking garage is located directly opposite the terminal.

Barrier-free parking
If you are in possession of an EU-standard blue parking permit, severely disabled persons with an exceptional walking disability (permit endorsement: "aG"), drivers accompanying blind persons (permit endorsement: "Bl") and helpless persons (permit endorsement: "H") are permitted to use a "disabled parking space" on parking level "2" in the multi-storey parking lot.

Women's parking spaces
There are 16 women's parking spaces on parking level "2" in the multi-storey parking lot.

Parking fees
The parking fee is calculated after the first day in a 24-hour rhythm, i.e. after exceeding the 24 hours from the time of entry, another day is charged. Parking fees valid from 01 January 2022. Prices include VAT.
It is not possible to reserve a parking space in advance. There are a sufficient number of parking spaces available at Saarbrücken Airport. The free parking spaces for all parking lots and the multi-storey parking lot are displayed on an electronic board at the airport entrance.

Prices for annual parking cards on request.
Calculate parking fees
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.
Capacity: 600 cars
Availability: April to October
Parking fees
The parking fee after the first day is calculated in a 24-hour cycle, i.e. after exceeding the 24 hours from the time of entry, another day is charged. Parking fees valid from 01 January 2022. Prices include VAT.

All parking spaces are a maximum of 3 minutes walk from the terminal. It is not possible to reserve a parking space in advance. There are a sufficient number of parking spaces available at Saarbrücken Airport. The free parking spaces for all parking lots and the parking garage are displayed on an electronic board at the airport entrance.
Calculate parking fees
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.
Short-term parking
In addition to the parking garage and parking spaces, the short-term parking area in the immediate vicinity of the terminal is available to pick-up and drop-off customers. You can pay at the parking ticket machine in cash, with EC card or with credit card.
Parking duration Short term
1 hour 3,00 €
2 hours 6,00 €
3 hours 8,00 €
Loading zone in front of the terminal
This area is used exclusively for loading and unloading suitcases and may be occupied for a maximum of 3 minutes (restricted no stopping).

Calculate parking fees

* All data without guarantee
Important: The parking fee after the first day is calculated in a 24-hour rhythm, i.e. after exceeding the 24 hours from the time of entry, another day will be charged. Parking fees valid from 01 January 2022. Prices include statutory VAT.
Parking durationP1P3Parking garage (P2)
1 hour3,00 €3,00 €3,00 €
2 hours6,00 €6,00 €6,00 €
3 hours8,00 €8,00 €8,00 €
4 hours14,00 €12,00 €14,00 €
5 hours16,00 €14,00 €16,00 €
6 hours18,00 €16,00 €18,00 €
7 hours20,00 €18,00 €20,00 €
8 hours20,00 €18,00 €22,00 €
1 day20,00 €18,00 €22,00 €
2 days38,00 €34,00 €40,00 €
3 days48,00 €46,00 €58,00 €
4 days58,00 €52,00 €68,00 €
5 days66,00 €56,00 €74,00 €
6 days66,00 €56,00 €74,00 €
1 week66,00 €56,00 €74,00 €
Each additional day8,00 €7,00 €8,00 €
Every other week44,00 €42,00 €52,00 €
10 days90,00 €77,00 €98,00 €
14 days110,00 €98,00 €126,00 €
Annual parking card429,00 €-500,00 €

Automatic pay stations

Our pay stations are located at the terminal entrance "Arrival", in the parking garage on level 2 as well as at the parking lot P1. The pay stations accept coins and euro bills up to € 50 as well as EC cards, VISA and Mastercard.
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